Thursday, March 26, 2009

8 Months

Evelyn is 8 months old and getting so big. She can sit up on her own and has been rolling over and over all around the living room. She has become a lot more interested in books and can turn the page on her own. She has also started waving "hi" a little bit and eating table food too. She is still saying da da but now she is saying it when she sees Josh. She makes her own little noises to the kitty and loves her rubber duck in the bath tub and talks to it. We caught her sleeping on her stomach one time but she doesn't really seem to like that position very much and hasn't done it since. She loves going to the park and swinging.She only takes two 1 1/2 hour naps a day now in the morning and afternoon. Her top two teeth are pushing in and should be visable any day now! Here are a few pictures from this month so far. We also went to the park and took more and I will post those. >>> Thanks to our friend Melissa who is letting us borrow her camera so we aren't missing so many memories since ours is need of fixing.<<<

Taking a bath like a big girl

Sleeping on tummy

How did I get way over here?

Chewing on her feet

Eating dinner

Friday, March 6, 2009


So I have kept putting off posting since our camera hasn't but it doesn't look like it will be fixed for a little while still so I wanted to do some updates. Evelyn got her first tooth on Feb 7th the day she turned 7 months. Her second tooth pushed through a couple days later! She is so cute with her little teeth and I can't believe how big she is now! She is sitting up pretty good on her own although she is still a little wobbly. Her eyes are still the most gorgeous blue and her hair is starting to get curly like her daddy's. She started saying da-da which made Josh just beam with joy. I am so thankful for this little girl and God has been reminding me to stop more and enjoy the time we have and not to take it for granted.