Monday, August 25, 2008


Josh got a few good pictures of Evelyn's sleepy smile. She smiles a lot when she is starting to get tired and fall asleep.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Toy

Here is Evelyn in her play gym for the first time. I love it. It is so cute and has such bright colors. I think Evelyn might even like it too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1 Month Photos

These are a little late being posted but these are just some pictures I attempted to take of Evelyn at 1 month when we went to our neighborhood park.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Evelyn and Ryken

This is Evelyn's new little friend Ryken who was born 3 weeks after Evelyn on July 29th to our friends Chip and Danielle Brown. Both babies were due in August but I guess they both wanted to make early appearances and have July birthdays. Ryken is actually a little bigger than Evelyn now which is crazy since she is older. We took these pictures at our moms group yesterday because they are so cute together. I especially like the one where it looks like they are arm wrestling and getting upset at each other.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Car!

I finally got a car yesterday! Josh did an awesome job finding a great deal on this like new 2000 Volkswagon Passat Wagon. This is seriously my dream car and it will be just perfect for Evelyn and I to drive around town and for family trips. We decided to sell our one car that we had paid off and buy 2 used cars. We are still on the look out for a good car for Josh to drive to work but we know God will provide, soon I hope.

Friday, August 8, 2008

1 Month Doctors Appointment

I really can't believe Evelyn is already a month old. Time has definitely flown by! Today she had her 1 month check up and we were so surprised to hear that she already weighs 7lbs 5.8 oz's and is 20 1/2 inches long! The doctor said she is doing great and making up for coming almost a month early. We should have guessed she had gained a lot because she has grown out of all her preemie clothes and can now wear her cloth diapers. Looking at the picture we took of her in her car seat today compared to the ones when we first brought her home from the hospital it is crazy! Our little girl is getting so big!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nap Time with Daddy

Our sweet little girl spends a large amount of her time sleeping and that just happens to be one of Josh's favorite activities. Look how cute they are together.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just Hanging Out

The majority of our day... just me, Evelyn, and her teddy bear. Evelyn is 4 weeks old today!